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Chunlei Peng currently works at School of Cyber Engineering in Xidian University.

He received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy (December 2017) in Intelligence Information Processing, Xidian Unversity, supervised by Prof. Xinbo Gao.

From Sep. 2016 to Sep. 2017, he is a visiting graduate student at Duke University in the Biomedical Engineering Department, supervised by Prof. Sina Farsiu.

He received his Bachelor Degree (July 2012) in Electronic Information Engineering, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University. Then he began to pursue his doctor degree in VIPS Lab led by Prof. Xinbo Gao from Sep. 2012.

His research interests include machine learning, computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with applications to heterogeneous image transformation (e.g. face sketch-photo synthesis) and heterogeneous face recognition (e.g. matching viewed/composite/forensic sketches to face photos, and matching near infrared/thermal infrared images to visible light face images). He has several publications at top journals, such as IEEE T-PAMI, T-NNLS and T-CSVT.


  • From Jan. 2018, I works at School of Cyber Engineering, Xidian University.
  • From Sep. 2016 to Sep. 2017, I am a visiting graduate student at Duke University in the Biomedical Engineering Department, supervised by Prof. Sina Farsiu.
  • Jul. 22, 2016, one paper was accepted as Oral by the European Conference on Computer Vision workshop on Visual Analysis of Sketches (VASE @ ECCV'16)!
  • Jun. 20, 2016, our VIPSL Face Sketch Database is available online! It includes 200 subjects. For each subject, FIVE sketches were drawn by five different artists.
  • From April 22 to 26, 2016, I went to Wuhan for attending VALSE 2016 and IEEE SIDAS 2016. Poster on Graphical Representation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition was presented at VALSE 2016.
  • Mar. 14, 2016, one paper was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE T-PAMI)!
  • Nov. 19, 2015, one paper was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE T-CSVT)!
  • From Nov. 6 to 8, 2015, I went to Nanjing for attending MLA 2015.
  • Jul. 31, 2015, one paper was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IEEE T-NNLS)!